Wednesday, May 13

Feminists and Fitness Enthusiasts on Michelle Obama

I've been putting off this blog post for the past couple of days but I'm sure Twin #2 and Twin #1 have been anxiously awaiting an update so this one goes out to them.

I'm going to keep it short and simple.

On May 10th, NPR did a feminist review of Michelle Obama's role in the White House since the Obama administration began. Think of it as a first lady's first 100 days. It has been interesting how, after being touted as a new kind of first lady, likely to play an active role intellectually in her husband's administration, Mrs. Obama has instead become the "Mom-in-Chief". I personally hold the view that she is selling herself short given her intensive educational background and the opinion of her as a strong, black woman. Perhaps this is a way for Obama staff people to personalize her and make her less threatening, a way of preventing the sapphire sterotype from overtaking White Americans view of Michelle Obama. Basically, this piece "has sparked lively discussion in the feminist blogosphere" and I thought it would be an interesting thing to share.

We all know about how much media attention has been given to Michelle Obama's toned biceps and swelte triceps. Well now there is an entire blog dedicated to Michelle Obama's arms, Thunder and Lightning, the First Guns of the United States. It speaks for itself. Check it out.

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