Last night I was watching t.v. when a commercial came on for a sandwich, at least that is what it is called. "That just can't be," I exclaimed when the picture of the "food" was displayed across the screen. "Never in my life have I seen such a thing. Perhaps KFC is a little late on the April Fool's uptake." And just as suddenly as it appeared it disppeared and I dismissed it in the same way I dismiss my roommate's attempts to go to Yates1.
Then as I was reading the Huffington's Posts new food section, it appeared, just as suddenly, as frighteningly as it had the night before. This is no mere by-product of the KFC research and development dungeons. It's much more than that, a food phenomenon spitting in the face of Michelle Obama's campaign against Americans becoming by and large (pun most definitely intended) the worlds fattest fatties. I am so offended by this that I am considering writing a letter to KFC. I'm not sure who specifically right now, but it will be strongly worded, with lots of capitalized letters and exclamation points, because in the face of the unknown (this so-called sandwich), we as a society become fearful and angry. And right now, this sandwich scares me and makes me angry.
There is a phrase in Chinese that goes 苛政猛于虎, meaning a severe government is more ferocious than a tiger. In present times that phrase often goes 网毒猛于虎, meaning that the "internet drug" is more ferocious than a tiger, relating to the pervasiveness of internet addiction in modern Chinese society. I think in America the phrase, 食毒猛于虎, or the "food drug" is more ferocious than a tiger, is very applicable in these times and we are now experience one of its most ferocious manifestations.
1. Yates Field House is the gym at Georgetown University. My roommate has not cast as much as a shadow there since 2008.
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