I spent a couple days at home relaxing before I begin work for the summer when I say a couple of boxes of breakfast cereal lined up next to each other. I opted for cap'n crunch, as memories of the cap'n and his ship pulling up along side my house ready to float me and my brothers toward sugary ecstasy. Well, juts now, I took a bite and it was gross. I took one more bite, just to see if my tastebuds were trying to deceive me. Unfortunately, the inconvenient truth seems to be that my taste buds have matured and developed beyond the scope of kids breakfast cereals' culinary reaches. Maybe it has to do with me
cooking more at home, using fresh ingredients and for the most part, doing it all from scratch. Whatever it is, I feel as though there is a little part of me inside that has died, while screaming and scratching for that last bite of breakfast cereal.
I hope that breakfast cereal magnates see this post and figure out a way to be able to appeal to my new sensibilities, because I would love to be able to bite into a bowl of cap'n crunch or lucky charms or fruity pebbles without my body completely rejecting it.
The problem is that Captain Crunch was never very good. I absolutely still enjoy eating Lucky Charms, and I even still pick out the brown pieces first leaving the last bite to be all marshmallows.